Restoration Druid
The "resto" druid uses healing spells to restore health to allies. With the druid in
Tree of Life form all heals cast on
the party are 6% more effective.
The resto druid uses spells such as
Regrowth and
Rejuvenation, with
Tranquility for emergencies. And if a
party member should die the druid can use
Rebirth to restore the fallen to
life during battle.
- High Armor — Tree of Life form with the
"Improved" talent gives the
druid a bonus to armor of up to 200%.
- Heal-Over-Time — Resto Druids primarily use Heal-Over-Time (HOT)
spells to do their healing. These spells cast quickly, and last for
up to 21 seconds, healing the target every three seconds to keep their
health high, rather than waiting for allies health to drop and then trying
to restore that health all at once before the ally dies of his injuries.
- Inervate — All druids have a spell called
Innervate which causes the
target to regenerate Mana at an increased rate for a short time. When
coupled with Glyph of Innervate
the caster gains a similar though lesser
effect, making it unlikely a skilled druid will run out of mana.
- Weak Melee — Tree of Life form is relatively weak in melee combat.
Tree form druids tend to use weapons that grant spell bonuses to aid healing.
- Can Only Cast Healing Spells — Tree of Life form is limited to
casting only restoration and defensive spells.
Anything else will cause the druid to leave tree form.
- Whoa — "A talking tree!"