Feral Druid
Shapeshifting is the druid's bread-and-butter. The feral druid concentrates on two
fighting forms (Cat and Bear).
Fighting Forms
Cat Form allows the druid to do a lot of damage to an enemy in a hurry. Cats can
sneak up on enemies for a
surprise attack or
charge in quickly to disorient the
- Fast Attacks — Cats have an intrinsic attack speed of 1 attack per
second with their "main" paw. They can attack with the "off" paw once for
every two main paw attacks. Haste rating can further reduce time
between attacks.
- Agility — Cats are very agile, allowing them to sometimes dodge direct
attacks. Agility also allows them to critically hit more often, and increaes
attack power by 1 point per point of agility.
- Track Humanoids — In cat form the druid can track humanoids in the
vicinity. While tracking is turned on, the druid "sees" humanoids marked by a
dot on the mini-map.
- Weak Armor — Druids are limited to wearing leather armor. Unlike Bear
Form, cats get no bonuses to armor, so they are not as well protected from
attacks that land.
- Low Health — Cats also receive no health or stamina bonuses, so in
addition to taking more damage from attacks, they have less health than bears.
- Can't Cast Spells — Cats can cast only one spell, faerie fire. This
means they can not heal themselves or others without leaving cat form.
Bear Form allows the druid to withstand to lot of damage from enemies. In this
form the druid can
charge in quickly to stun the enemy,
challenge enemies to attack the druid,
regenerate health.
- High Armor — Bears have a bonus to armor, mitigating attacks on
the druid.
- High Health — Bears also have high health and stamina so they are
able to take a lot of punishment from enemies.
- Taunts — Bears have the ability to taunt enemies, causing them to
focus their attacks on the druid. Because the bear has high armor and
health, the druid is better able to withstand these attacks than others
in the party.
- Can't Block Attacks — Like the cat, the bear uses paws as
weapons. This means that weapon and shield based fighting abilities such
as parry and block are not available to the druid.
- Can't Cast Spells — Bears can cast only one spell, faerie fire. This
means they can not heal others without leaving bear form.