Balance Druid
The Balance Druid uses offensive spells to attack enemies. To facilitate this, the druid
assumes the form of a Moonkin. Moonkin are sometimes jokingly referred to as OOMkin
(OOM stands for Out of Mana, and refers to the druids tendency to never run out of Mana,
or magical energy), or as Boomkin by the humor impaired.
The Moonkin uses spells such as Wrath,
Moonfire, and
- High Armor — Moonkin recieve the same armor bonuses as bears.
This allows them to survive attacks which would kill other casters.
- Moonkin Aura — Moonkin have an
intrinsic aura
which affects all members of the druid's party. This aura increases the
critical hit chance of every party member.
- Immune to Polymorph — All shapeshift forms make the druid immune to
polymorph spells.
This is especially an advantage for Moonkin as other forms are susceptible
to other forms of crowd control, such as
hibernate and
- Weak Melee — Moonkin are weak in melee combat. Slow attacks and
low attack power offset the armor bonuses in hand-to-hand.
- "Aggro Magnet" — the Moonkin's high damage output with spells is
likely to cause enemies to turn from the tank and attack the druid.
- Can't Cast Healing Spells — Moonkin can cast only balance spells. This
means they can not heal themselves or others without leaving Moonkin form.